How to shoot black backgrounds without a backdrop | Macro & Product Photography Tutorial

In this photography tutorial, we are taking a look at a very simple and inexpensive technique to achieve black backgrounds in your macro photos, as well as product photography, portraiture and any other genre that has a subject focus.

In this tutorial, we are using a figurine as a stand-in subject, but this method will still work for full-sized portraits, still life, macro and product photography. Having a black backdrop is not always needed as you can achieve effects like these with just your settings and lighting!

This style of product photography can be great for getting a more moody and edgy looking shots of your products for use on e-commerce websites and shopping platforms. It’s also very handy for shooting macro photography subjects!

To find out more about the photography lighting setup we used in this shoot, take a look at our website here –

To read the step by step guide to small product photography we made from this shoot, check out our blog post –

More Product Photography Tutorials

White Backgrounds –
Coins –
Pocket Watches –
Rings –
More coming soon!

#ProductPhotography #PhotographyTutorial #Adaptalux #Destiny2

Watch our latest video all about Iris Photography!



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