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How to nail sharp photos every time

0:07 Who am I?
0:23 Why understand human perception is super important and what aperture
1:26 Zoom lens vs prime lens
4:18 Previsualize to help speed up autofocus
5:12 Be mindful of the atmospheric effect and how to minimize
6:23 Low or high ISO and why?
7:36 Fast shutter speed? You may be surprised.
8:34 Does mega pixel matters? One super sharpening method you may not know.
10:05 A common mistake during low light and how to avoid
11:11 Old or new lenses make a difference?
12:22 Does setting highest frame rate matter?
13:35 Another video that may be helpful and Youtube tips from good photographers

I am sharing 9 unconventional tips to take super sharp photos in this video.

My goal is to share strategies on how I take photos that move people even if the condition is challenging “low light, fast action, tough sighting).

I remember not knowing where to start and wishing that there was someone to help me. Now I want to help YOU, whoever you are out there reading this, taking great bird and wildlife photos can make you happy and hopefully change your life for the better.
Here are some great videos also on tips to take sharper photos:
Simon d’Entremont:
Jan Wegener:
Steve Perry:
Steve Perry on heat shimmer:
My tutorial in metering:
My IG:
